我原想寫「背對背卻無法說再見」為題目的。 我記得,告示板有寫著大象的名字,其中一隻叫做Siti。另一隻,我不記得了。 動物園裡,這兩只大象在一起,附近有只假大象給拍照⋯⋯嗯,就只有這三隻大象噢。 它們只能相依為命。我在想,它們的感覺會不會就像被遺棄在荒島中,成為對方的唯一伴侶,只能相互扶持生活。 這還真的可以實現"Till death do us part"的誓言⋯⋯
這是上個星期弄的,我七月的封面,還有那一晚的每日一句。看照片的timestamp還有那小日曆的日期,又是一個遲睡的夜晚。 那天,我記得在臉書的歷史回顧頁面,看見自己分享了John Lennon的語錄,關於happiness的。特喜歡他說的, "When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life." 一直很羨慕別人的手帳美美的,我只能做成素素的⋯⋯