

顯示從 8月, 2011 起發佈的文章


Selamat Hari Merdeka!

Simple lunch

Enjoy my home alone moment. :)

Flowers of Balsampear

This small yellow flowers are beautiful, and they are one of the ingredients used in Chinese traditional medicine. :)


My mum loves orchid, and this is from her garden! :)


My dad built this. There were rabbits, now it has became storage area.



rainy day again

I know it's boring here, everyday is a rainy day. But!!! Guess what??!! I decided to go back home town now! See you after the long holiday, unless I am able to get online again! Wishing sunny weather awaits out there! :) Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf zahir & batin. :) Selamat Hari Merdeka too!!! :D


Paint my world

I don't want to post the photos taken from my car, with the traffic jam and rain again. Let the music paint my world! :)



Rainy day

It was dizzling and the traffic is horrible again this morning.

On my way home

As though as there's no cars on the road. As though as the little play ground in my heart as green and clean as it is supposed to be. Where is my sun, I can't help to wonder. I should be cheer up now. I should go to bed earlier tonight. The randomization functions in my mind just happened to be working too well.


Mocha + 愛爾蘭咖啡

昨夜和朋友們用餐後,再去了一趟Full of Beans。CK和Looi都點了比較重的咖啡,信子則選了比較清淡的。那女孩子介紹了 mocha coffee bean 。這個不是那種加了巧克力的咖啡噢! CK點了ice drip coffee。這個應該就是蔡智恆在《回眸》那本書裡提及的咖啡吧。 這是信子的mocha coffee。女孩子說,這個咖啡有種比較earthy的味道。應該是說土味吧?就是因為這個,信子就選了它。比起藍山咖啡,感覺上這個比較順口。添了兩顆小小的蔗糖,感覺就剛剛好了。信子最喜歡的是咖啡剛攪碎出來的味道。 這個就是拿來做 ice drip coffee的東東。它是屬於經過發酵後的咖啡。他們收集了這些點滴咖啡後,冷藏在冰箱裡。通常會冷藏24小時才拿出來喝。最長冷藏時間也不超過一個星期。超過一個星期的咖啡將會被倒掉。女孩說,過了一個星期,咖啡可能就變成酒了。(酒也可以拿來喝啊,怎麼倒掉呢?:P) Looi點了Gold Mendheling,是由女孩介紹的,屬於重咖啡。 後來我們聊起了愛爾蘭咖啡。Looi和信子分別有非常糟糕的愛爾蘭咖啡經驗。女孩說,愛爾蘭咖啡是甜的。甜的?!應該很好喝的啊!怎麼那天在Irish pub點的那麼難喝……Looi很瀟灑的問,準備這個愛爾蘭咖啡會久嗎?女孩說,五分鐘。Looi就立刻點了愛爾蘭咖啡! 信子其實乘機錄影了,因此沒什麼照片。:) 她弄的愛爾蘭咖啡很好喝噢!我們三人共享一份。酒味不會太嗆,很順喉。信子記得(也忘了從哪)曾聽說,咖啡店的愛爾蘭咖啡比較像咖啡,在酒吧的愛爾蘭咖啡,則比較像酒。想必我們都比較喜歡咖啡味吧?!:) 這個就是上回喝的藍山咖啡啦~


第一次到Full of Beans。信子不是咖啡達人,是個忠於kopi-o kaw的人。信子很喜歡咖啡香。上次聽朋友說起這家咖啡店,原想來這裡為渡過生日,最後作罷。 這裡有很多那些在記憶裡,只有上化學課時看到的玻璃器具。原來咖啡是門化學的學問。信子是如此的聯想。 在店主遞上menu,信子毫無考慮的就點了藍山咖啡。以前聽朋友介紹過,沒想到多年後的這天,終於有機會嘗了。那會是怎麼樣的味道呢?應該這麼說,那是一個怎麼樣的回憶味道? 剛攪碎的咖啡粉,真的很香。我不禁沉醉在咖啡香中,也不禁的擔心是否又是個失眠夜? 看著店主好像在準備咖啡點滴,心裡幻想著那咖啡因注入體內後會產生怎麼樣的效果。 很快的,咖啡完成了。店主很耐心的解釋藍山咖啡的由來。信子也很用心的聽噢!他建議信子先嘗純咖啡,再嘗添加蔗糖後的咖啡。沒有回憶的味道。這樣很好。從此,藍山咖啡是屬於那一刻開始的回憶味道了。 店裡的裝潢很昏黃,適合發呆的空間。 在記事簿裡,信子寫了這個。 第一次喝藍山咖啡。原來最正宗的藍山咖啡是Jamaican Blue Mountain。聽店主說,這種咖啡必須在高地種植,而且完全是人工種植,因此很珍貴。信子點的那杯咖啡只有10%是Jamaican Blue Mountain的咖啡豆,其餘的是由其他咖啡品種替代。它們的混合比例是一最靠近純Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee來調的。 這個咖啡色和kopi-o kaw的顏色相差挺遠的。不曉得是不是藍山咖啡沒經過油炒的關係(信子有這樣的概念,kopi-o kaw的咖啡粉是有經過油炒的),因此顏色比較清澈,比較乾淨。

King Street

As we walked towards Coffee Lane (A coffee house, not a street name), I saw this. I feel like I am walking in a higher latitude country. I imagine myself drinking warm coffee in the cool weather. It is so wonderful!




More levitation photography

My friend Moku decided to arrange a photography session for me. I can't be like those young and cute model, so I suggested to do levitation photography, with everyone , not me. :)

Levitation photography

This is a pre-farewell photography session for me, I assumed. :P I requested to have levitation photography, inspired by http://yowayowacamera.com/ . I am not sure who use my camera to take this shot.... :D Ah Boon? Weng Chee? Sean?

Sing his heart out

I think he enjoyed a lot! :) Happy last day at work! :D

Blue Mountain Coffee in the making

Finally, I went to Full of Beans to do coffee tasting!

Shadow of the rain


Little flower beside the fence

I walked to car park, talking to my friends over the phone, and saw this. I always wanted to take photo of the flowers and grass that grow at the carpark. :)

At the end


My secret

Loving mum and lovely kid

Met them at Straits Quay today. A long lost friend. I can feel she is in great happiness. :)